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  • New Coming Course on Photographic and Video Editor

    • 07,Dec 2022
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    Video editing is the process of manipulating and rearranging video shots to create a new work. Editing is usually considered to be one part of the post production process — other post-production tasks include titling, colour correction, sound mixing, etc.

    Many people use the term editing to describe all their post-production work, especially in non-professional situations. Whether or not you choose to be picky about terminology is up to you. In this tutorial we are reasonably liberal with our terminology and we use the word editing to mean any of the following:

    • Rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips and/or audio clips.

    • Applying colour correction, filters and other enhancements.

    • Creating transitions between clips.

    The Goals of Editing

    There are many reasons to edit a video and your editing approach will depend on the desired outcome. Before you begin you must clearly define your editing goals, which could include any of the following:

    Remove unwanted footage

    This is the simplest and most common task in editing. Many videos can be dramatically improved by simply getting rid of the flawed or unwanted bits.

    Choose the best footage

    It is common to shoot far more footage than you actually need and choose only the best material for the final edit. Often you will shoot several versions (takes) of a shot and choose the best one when editing.

    Create a flow

    Most videos serve a purpose such as telling a story or providing information. Editing is a crucial step in making sure the video flows in a way which achieves this goal.

    Add effects, graphics, music, etc

    This is often the “wow” part of editing. You can improve most videos (and have a lot of fun) by adding extra elements.

    Alter the style, pace or mood of the video

    A good editor will be able to create subtle mood prompts in a video. Techniques such as mood music and visual effects can influence how the audience will react.

    Give the video a particular “angle”

    Video can be tailored to support a particular viewpoint, impart a message or serve an agenda.


    The photoshoot is only the first half of creating a great image. A skilled photo editor can take a good RAW image and use a myriad of techniques to create a stunning final photo. Post-processing can enhance what you did capture and create effects that aren’t always possible in the photography studio.

    This is especially true when it comes to ecommerce product photography that can seem creatively limiting. Curious about post-processing and how you can use it to improve your business?

    What is photo editing?: A definition

    Photo editing is the act of altering an image. But that’s oversimplifying a subject that can be complex and employs different methods and tools.

    For example, some photo editing techniques are done manually, while others are conducted through automated software. Some photo editing is even done offline, on actual photographs, posters or other printed collateral.

    Other terms for photo editing:

    • Image editing

    • Post-processing

    • Image/photo manipulation

    • Photoshopping

    • Image/photo enhancement

    Importance of photo editing

    Editing helps you get the best image possible, as close to what you imagined when you took the photo (or better perhaps). Niche photographers can hone and emphasize their personal style. And for businesses, editing helps cement branding.

    Photo editing is particularly important for ecommerce companies. The quality of the image directly affects people’s opinion of the product and sales numbers. Studies have confirmed that high-quality images outperform stock (or poorer quality) imagery and that increasing the number of high-quality images helps build trust with consumers and increases conversion rates.

1 Comment

  • JASON ANDERSON December 14 , 2022

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