Tag Archives: Software

Xogaha Cusub iyo Teknooliyada kala Soco

  • Mobile Application Development 2023

    • 07,Dec 2022
    • Posted By : mohamudhassan.mhr@gmail.com
    • 1 Comment
    • Software

    Welcome to our New Course Mobile App Development.  Overview In a day and age where mobile-based applications and searches are more prominent than any other medium, it makes sense...

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  • We Have Added New Course on Digital Marketing

    • 07,Dec 2022
    • Posted By : mohamudhassan.mhr@gmail.com
    • 1 Comment
    • Software

    What is the Digital Marketing? Digital marketing is the component of marketing that uses the Internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. What are...

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  • Workshop on Graphic -Design

    • 07,Dec 2022
    • Posted By : mohamudhassan.mhr@gmail.com
    • 1 Comment
    • Software

    ardeyda collegeka iyo kuwa jaamacada ayaa loo qabtay tababar la xiriira design-ka, waxa iska kaashatay xarunta hal abuurka rajohub iyo puntland college. tababarkaas ayaa looga gol lahaa dhiiragalinta dhalinta...

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